
President Xi warmly greeted

2023-11-15 Editor : Mo Honge ECNS App Download

Chinese Americans and overseas Chinese from across the United States gathered at the international airport and elsewhere around San Francisco on Tuesday to greet President Xi Jinping, as they expressed anticipation and optimism for his meeting with US President Joe Biden.

Xi, at Biden's invitation, is in the California city for the first face-to-face high-level meeting in a year and to participate in the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Leaders' Week. It will be his second trip to San Francisco; the first was in 1985.

People waving Chinese and American flags excitedly welcomed Xi on the street near the Moscone Center, the venue for the APEC forum.

"I'm from New York with my daughter today, and we both really wanted to meet President Xi. We are both very excited," a woman surnamed Zhen, who traveled from Brooklyn, New York, told China Daily in Chinese.

"Although we live in the United States, we are Chinese, and so is my child. I still hope that she can gain an understanding and experience of Chinese culture, learn about Chinese tradition, and thus be better to participate in it," she added.

Zhen said she is looking forward to the meeting between the presidents and hopes their discussions will positively affect future US-China relations.

"For us, I hope that China and the United States can coexist harmoniously, which would also provide a safe atmosphere for the local Chinese community. Previously, we have experienced many instances of anti-Asian hate crimes, and we hope that everyone, both in China and the US, as well as all communities, can live together in harmony."

"I'm here to show the message of peace, love and unity," Helen Ji-Li, 44, of San Francisco told China Daily. She was holding a banner that said, "Let's work together for a bright future of prosperity for all in the Asia-Pacific."

The US and China could agree to disagree, but with communication intact, Ji-Li said. "People usually don't trust what they don't understand. I hope they can have deeper conversations and more understanding of each other. Seek the good, and our children's future depends on that. It's important for all Asia-Pacific countries to unite as a team."

Zheng Chaofei, who traveled from Philadelphia, told China Daily: "This is a very positive signal, as President Xi is here in the United States by invitation. I believe the US is looking for a point of easing tensions, especially now as the global economy is declining. This meeting presents an opportunity for the two big powers to join hands in boosting the global economy.

"I hope President Xi and Biden will have a good conversation and positive outlook," Zheng added.

"I come today to visit Xi and check out not only the convention but also this kind of environment. You don't get to see as much as American-born-and-raised; you don't see as much pride in it as you do with something like this. I'm excited too," Sky Pittman, 26, told China Daily as she pointed to people proudly singing Chinese songs and waving China's national flag.

"I feel optimistic about the US-China relations. It's better to get things across in person," she said. "I don't think they are something that cannot be resolved in the end. I hope they will cover those tensions and lighten them a little bit," she said. "I really hope US and China relations can be improved and be better from this point."


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