
Respiratory health center launched in Beijing

2023-08-21 Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

A photo taken on Aug 20, 2023, shows the launch ceremony for the Beijing Major Respiratory Epidemic Disease Center. (Photo provided by the Beijing Center for Disease Prevention and Control)

The Beijing Major Respiratory Epidemic Disease Center was inaugurated on Sunday, the Beijing Center for Disease Prevention and Control said in a news release.

The new center will focus on key issues in epidemic disease control and conduct research on quick diagnosis, transmission, early warning and control strategies.

It will also follow closely the latest developments in global major respiratory epidemic disease and offer technological and policy support for the capital.

Respiratory diseases can spread rapidly, and control is difficult, especially when a virulent new pathogen emerges that can cause a regional epidemic or global pandemic.

New pathogens pose great danger for human safety and socioeconomic development and are a major challenge for public health in mega cities at home and abroad.

The establishment of the center is an important move to safeguard Beijing's health and will improve the city's capabilities in controlling the diseases.

The center has a work guidance committee, an expert committee, a work committee and three laboratories. A total of 23 renowned experts sit on the expert committee.

The center is based on resources and research teams from the Beijing Center for Disease Prevention and Control and the city's major hospitals.


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