
Belarus hosts int'l forum on 30th anniversary of diplomatic relations with China

2022-01-13 16:24:21Xinhua Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

Belarus on Wednesday hosted an international forum here to mark the 30th anniversary of diplomatic ties with China.

Cooperation between the two countries in various fields has led to significant results, said Nikolai Snopkov, first deputy prime minister of Belarus.

Snopkov noted that China can strengthen international trade through the Belt and Road Initiative and therefore bolster the China-Belarus comprehensive strategic partnership.

China and Belarus cooperate across a number of fields on the basis of mutual trust and win-win cooperation, help each other in a complex international environment and set a good example for the international community in fostering a new type of international relations, said Chinese Ambassador to Belarus Xie Xiaoyong.

More than 70 Belarusian and Chinese officials and scientists took part in the forum and discussed the past 30 years of achievements in bilateral relations, along with the practical significance of building a community with a shared future for mankind.


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