People from both sides of Taiwan Strait pray for peace in E China's Fujian

2024-02-24 中国新闻网 Editor:Luo Pan

On Thursday, more than 1,000 believers from both sides of the Taiwan Strait gathered at the Mazu Temple in Quanzhou, Fujian Province to "beg turtle", praying for family harmony and cross-Straits peace. 

On that day, Quanzhou Mazu Temple and Taiwan Penghu Tianhou Palace jointly organized a blessing ceremony. After the unveiling, the "rice turtle" was immediately surrounded by believers. The "rice turtle" weighs 49,800 kilograms, symbolizing happiness, longevity and well-being. 

"Begging turtle" is a Lantern Festival folk activity in southern Fujian Province, mainly popular in Fujian's Quanzhou and Taiwan's Penghu. People pile up bags of rice into the shape of a turtle. By touching all parts of the "rice turtle" from head to tail, they pray for peace, prosperity, and family happiness in the new year. 

After the activity, the rice used to make the "rice turtle" will be distributed to needy people, social welfare institutions and other public welfare organizations. 

(Reported by Ke Ning, Sun Hong; Edited by Liu Yinghan)


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