Beijing to step up efforts in data management sector

2023-11-14 Editor:Li Yan

China is studying and drafting relevant guidance documents to bolster the establishment of data transactions and circulation systems from the top-level design, said Liu Liehong, the head of the National Data Administration.

Liu hopes for Beijing to take the lead in exploring the data property rights mechanism, the data circulation and trading system and the establishment of data infrastructure. He made the remarks at a launching ceremony of the pilot zone for the basic systems of data in Beijing recently.

According to him, as a new type of production factor, data elements have been gradually integrated into every link of production and life, becoming a key strategic resource that affects global competition in the digital economy era.

He noted the data resource ownership, data processing and usage rights, and management rights of data-related products are important basic mechanisms for accelerating the circulation of data elements and unleashing the value of massive data resources.

Beijing is expected to actively explore and improve services, including the confirmation of data-related ownership, valuation, registration and settlement, legal compliance consultation regarding public data and industry data, as well as nurture enterprises engaged in data production, circulation and application, Liu said.

He also expressed the hope that the capital city gives full play to its advantages in talent and technology to promote the construction of data infrastructure, and provide basic support for efficient circulation of data.

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