U.S. Section 301 Investigation against China a repeated mistake: spokesperson

2024-04-19 Ecns.cn Editor:Mo Honge

(ECNS) - In response to the United States initiating Section 301 Investigation against China, a ministry spokesperson for the Ministry of Commerce said on Wednesday that the country will take necessary measures to protect its rights and interests.

The U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) initiated the Section 301 Investigation of China, targeting its maritime, logistics, and shipbuilding sectors for dominance on Wednesday.

The spokesperson noted that the U.S. petition is ridden with unfounded accusations. It misrepresents normal trade and investment activities as detrimental to U.S. national security and business interests and blames China for its own problems in industry. These accusations lack factual basis and contradict economic common sense.

Multiple U.S. research reports have shown that the American shipbuilding sector lost its competitive edge years ago due to protectionism, the spokesperson said.

The U.S. provides hundreds of billions of dollars in discriminatory subsidies to its industries while accusing China of engaging in so-called “non-market practices,” the spokesperson added.

In reality, the development of Chinese industries is the result of enterprise technological innovation and active participation in market competition. The U.S. allegations are untenable, the spokesperson said.

The former U.S. administration initiated a Section 301 investigation against China and imposed additional tariffs, which were ruled by the World Trade Organization (WTO) as violations of rules and opposed by many WTO members. It is a repeated mistake as the U.S. initiated a new investigation given its domestic political needs, the spokesperson noted. 

“The U.S. needs to immediately stop its wrongdoing. China will continue to closely follow the investigation and take all measures necessary to protect its legitimate and lawful rights and interests,” the spokesperson concluded.

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