
Death toll climbs to 99 in Chile's forest fires(1/4)

2024-02-05 11:23:53 Editor :Li Yan

View of the smoke cloud produced by the forest fires in Vi?a del Mar, Chile, Feb. 2, 2024. (Photo/Agencies)

Death toll from forest fires raging in central Chile's Valparaiso region has climbed to 99 by Sunday amid an intense summer heat wave, with temperatures soaring to 40 degrees Celsius over the weekend.

Firefighters work at the Botanical Garden after a forest fire in Vi?a del Mar, Chile, Feb. 4, 2024. (Photo/Agencies)

Vehicles and homes burn during a fire in Vi?a del Mar, Chile, Feb. 3, 2024. (Photo/Agencies)

Residents help firefighters during a forest fire affecting the hills in Quilpe, Valparaiso region, Chile, Feb. 3, 2024. (Photo/Agencies)

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