
Re-enactments provide children with art lessons(1/9)

2019-12-17 13:43:17 Editor :Li Yan

A series of re-enactments by Shanghai schoolchildren of some of the world's most famous paintings, such as Girl with a Pearl Earring by 17th-century Dutch painter Johannes Vermeer and Van Gogh's Self-Portrait, went viral on social networking platforms. (Provided to

Bewigged and costumed, using a flyswatter as a violin, cuddling their younger siblings, pet cats and dogs, or just wearing a winsome smile, the children posed in imitation of the paintings' scenes.

The funny photos created by children from Erlian Primary School in Shanghai's Yangpu district were recently displayed at the school.

The school said that through such imitations they aimed to help children enjoy the beauty of paintings, a world language.

"We hoped children experience the beauty of such famous paintings in a more playful form, and through the whole process, they will have a better understanding and appreciation of such renowned art," said Chang Jie, a teacher at the school.

A series of re-enactments by Shanghai schoolchildren of some of the world's most famous paintings, such as Girl with a Pearl Earring by 17th-century Dutch painter Johannes Vermeer and Van Gogh's Self-Portrait, went viral on social networking platforms. (Provided to

A series of re-enactments by Shanghai schoolchildren of some of the world's most famous paintings, such as Girl with a Pearl Earring by 17th-century Dutch painter Johannes Vermeer and Van Gogh's Self-Portrait, went viral on social networking platforms. (Provided to

A series of re-enactments by Shanghai schoolchildren of some of the world's most famous paintings, such as Girl with a Pearl Earring by 17th-century Dutch painter Johannes Vermeer and Van Gogh's Self-Portrait, went viral on social networking platforms. (Provided to

A series of re-enactments by Shanghai schoolchildren of some of the world's most famous paintings, such as Girl with a Pearl Earring by 17th-century Dutch painter Johannes Vermeer and Van Gogh's Self-Portrait, went viral on social networking platforms. (Provided to

A series of re-enactments by Shanghai schoolchildren of some of the world's most famous paintings, such as Girl with a Pearl Earring by 17th-century Dutch painter Johannes Vermeer and Van Gogh's Self-Portrait, went viral on social networking platforms. (Provided to

A series of re-enactments by Shanghai schoolchildren of some of the world's most famous paintings, such as Girl with a Pearl Earring by 17th-century Dutch painter Johannes Vermeer and Van Gogh's Self-Portrait, went viral on social networking platforms. (Provided to

A series of re-enactments by Shanghai schoolchildren of some of the world's most famous paintings, such as Girl with a Pearl Earring by 17th-century Dutch painter Johannes Vermeer and Van Gogh's Self-Portrait, went viral on social networking platforms. (Provided to

A series of re-enactments by Shanghai schoolchildren of some of the world's most famous paintings, such as Girl with a Pearl Earring by 17th-century Dutch painter Johannes Vermeer and Van Gogh's Self-Portrait, went viral on social networking platforms. (Provided to

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