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16 crested ibises back from Japan settle at Beijing Zoo

2024-12-05 Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download
Crested ibises arrive at Beijing Zoo, Dec. 4, 2024. (Photo/China News Service)

Crested ibises arrive at Beijing Zoo, Dec. 4, 2024. (Photo/China News Service)

(ECNS) -- Sixteen crested ibises that returned from Japan on Oct. 31, 2024, arrived at Beijing Zoo on Wednesday after one-month quarantine, according to the zoo.

They will be raised alongside the zoo's existing 23 crested ibises. Beijing Zoo hatched the first artificially bred crested ibises in 1989 and the population has reached to 39 to date.

Beijing Zoo has established the first comprehensive technical system for crested ibis conservation, including wildlife rescue, artificial rearing, and breeding.

This achievement helps mitigate the global endangered status of the species, making it a successful case in the conservation of endangered animals said Zheng Changming, head of the zoo's species management department.

Mao Yun, head of the crested ibis team at the zoo said staff members had thoroughly cleaned and disinfected the enclosures and provided suitable food such as beef strips and mealworms for the flock.

Mao has accompanied these birds since their quarantine period. He said "crested ibises are naturally timid and sensitive to noise; even the smallest disturbance can startle them.I hope that through my companionship, they can adapt to their new life at the zoo."

Known as the "Auspicious Bird" in China, the crested ibis is a first-class nationally protected wild animal species and is also listed as an endangered species in the Red List of the International Union for Conservation of Nature.

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