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Global Insights on BRI丨Michael Campbell: The BRI is transforming the way the world cooperates

2023-12-04 Editor : Mo Honge ECNS App Download

By Wei Chenxi, Wu Jiaju 

(ECNS) -- "I think the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)is an emblematic, groundbreaking proposal for the world," said Michael Campbell, Nicaraguan ambassador to China, in an exclusive interview with China News Network recently.

He noted that the initiative is changing the way the world works together and helping to build a multi-polar, more prosperous and united world. 

Cooperation in construction, promotion of bilateral relations

Campbell said that his work included promoting the re-establishment of diplomatic relations between Nicaragua and China in 2021, as well as facilitating cooperation on projects between the two countries. "In less than two years, we are already seeing the benefits of participating in the BRI." 

On August 31, China and Nicaragua signed a Free Trade Agreement(FTA), which is a milestone in the history of China-Nicaragua economic and trade relations. It will help to unlock the potential in bilateral trade and investment cooperation, benefiting people of the two countries, Campbell noted.

He said that the two countries are carrying out projects related to potable water and sanitation, transportation services in Managua, the capital of Nicaragua, and communications and access to other high technologies.

He pointed out that Nicaragua is actively cooperating with the BRI and the Global Development Initiative, and that he is pleased to see thatthere are already some Chinese enterprisesinvesting in Nicaragua.

"I can only see stronger, more prosperous relationships for both our countries from here to the future," he added. 

Changing the way of cooperation, building a multi-polar world

This year marks the 10th anniversary of the BRI. Thanks to joint efforts, international cooperation has gotten off the ground, grown rapidly and produced fruitful outcomes. 

More than 150 countries and over 30 international organizations have signed BRI cooperation documents so far.

Campbell told China News Network that the BRI is transforming the way the world cooperates. China is not only making great progress at home, but also willing to share the fruits of development with the rest of the world, he added.

He further pointed out that China has put forward the initiative in which any country can participate and any civilization can interact. It's a vision of a multi-polar world that a developing country like Nicaragua can subscribe to and support.

Campbell said that Nicaragua aims to be China's strategic partnership in Central America. "That means that we want to strengthen our ties in all sectors, cultural exchanges, economic cooperation, political relations, diplomatic relations, and in everything else." 

"So that's why I think initiatives like the BRI help to transform the way the world interacts, the way states interact, the way cooperation is viewed around the world. And it will help to build a more multi-polar, more prosperous, and more united world for all," concluded Campbell.

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