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Parents angry about kindergarten's 'human pyramid' game   

幼儿叠3层人肉坐垫 老师坐上方秀一字马(图)

2013-11-28 15:53 Ecns.cn Web Editor: Gu Liping

(ECNS) -- A photo of a kindergarten teacher sitting and laughing on top of a human pyramid formed by children has made parents angry in central China's Hunan province, the Xiaoxiang Morning Herald reported on Thursday.

Wang Hui, parent of a four-year-old girl at the kindergarten in Changsha city, Hunan province, said she was "filled with anger" about the photo taken during a PE class on Wednesday.

In the photo, a young teacher posed on top of a pyramid formed by more than 10 children. The children were divided into three groups, and each group lay on their stomachs between gym mats.

Wang criticized the kindergarten for posing a safety risk to the children, wondering how they could bear the teacher's weight.

Xue, the head of the kindergarten, said the pyramid is a training program called "hamburger," often seen in kindergartens in Shanghai. "It aims to build children's willpower as well as improve their team spirit."

Cao, the PE teacher, said the activity is within safety limits and that the children were all happy during the activity.

Ma Mo, a professor of mechanics at Xiangtan University, said there were certain safety risks, especially for the children at the bottom.

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