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Foreign interns flock to China   

国外大学生看好中国 北京实习数周值伦敦一年?


2013-05-29 09:04     Web Editor: Mo Hong'e comment

(ECNS) — Lured by job opportunities in a booming economy, foreign students are flocking to China for internships to build up their experience ahead of future job hunts, UK media reported Monday.

Absolute Internship, a company dedicated to helping students and graduates around the world gain international work experience, said it will send about 700 students for internships in Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong, a sharp increase compared with the 250 it sent in 2012.

London-based consultancy CRCC Asia predicts it will send over 1,500 students to intern in Chinese or international companies in Beijing and Shanghai, 300 more students than last year.

The internships arranged by the two companies cover a wide range of sectors, including law, business, finance and marketing.

Although foreign interns usually work unpaid, students are still eager to gain work experience through internships, as they realize that experience is more important than salary.

It is therefore unsurprising that internships are viewed as a must-have for any student hoping to secure a good job upon graduation.

Alex Williams, a graduate from the University of the West of England, Bristol, took up an internship at a company in Beijing in 2010. He said that a couple of weeks' work experience gained in Beijing would take a year in London.

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国外大学生看好中国 北京实习数周值伦敦一年?



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