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Deep-sea submersible to start work in June  



2013-03-26 08:33     Web Editor: qindexing comment

Shanghai (CNS) -- China's manned deep-sea submersible the "Jiaolong" will be put into operation in June, according to Xu Qinan, the chief designer of the vessel, on Sunday.

It will explore mineral resources in deep seas for four to five months each year, Xu said.

The submersible will dive in the East Pacific area to survey the seabed, take samples, collect data and carry out experiments, he added.

The Jiaolong dove to 7,062 meters in the Mariana Trench in June last year, setting a new national dive record.

China's future deep-sea submersibles will continue to make breakthroughs, according to Hu Zhen, director of the Jiaolong's design department. They will challenge a depth of 11,000 meters and increase diving speeds, he said, adding that new materials and technology will be used to make them.

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