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Taipei's Palace Museum to delay fee increase  

台北故宫调高门票价格引争议 延到7月实施


2013-03-22 13:14     Web Editor: Wang YuXia comment

Taipei (CNS) - The admission fee increase at Taipei's Palace Museum, which had been scheduled to take effect on April 15, was delayed to July 1, according to Fung Ming-chu, director of the museum, on Thursday.

Fung gave a speech on Wednesday at the local legislature, saying that admission fees to Taipei's Palace Museum would be increased in response to rising costs.

The price of regular tickets will be increased from NT$160 to NT$250, while group tickets will cost NT$250 instead of NT$100, including NT$20 for an audio guide, Fung said. The price of discounted tickets for students and military personnel will be raised from NT$80 to NT$150.

Fung rejected speculation that the increase in group tickets was targeting mainland tourists. She said that group admission to the museum is low compared with other museums, and in addition to mainland tourists, the museum gets many Japanese visitors.

The fee increase triggered different responses. An official from a Taiwan association of travel agents said the fee was being raised without prior coordination with related industries. Taiwan and mainland travel agents sign annual contracts, so the extra fees may end up being absorbed by local agencies, he said.

On Thursday, Fung said the fee increase will be delayed, to July 1, with three months of promotions. The admission fees were adjusted because of rising electricity rates and personnel costs, Fung emphasized.

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台北故宫调高门票价格引争议 延到7月实施



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