
China welcomes foreign microchip company

2023-11-17 Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

China welcomes foreign enterprises including U.S. chip company Micron Technology to continue to cultivate the Chinese market and seek better development opportunities while complying with Chinese laws and regulations, the Ministry of Commerce said on Thursday.

He Yadong, spokesman for the Ministry of Commerce, said at a news conference that the relevant departments of China have taken measures following the laws against Micron's related products that pose significant security risks, and such measures are limited to a clear scope, that is, in the field of critical information infrastructure in China.

In May, the Cyberspace Administration of China said that products of Micron sold in China have not passed a recent cybersecurity review, and operators of the country's key information infrastructure should stop purchasing its products.

"We noticed that Micron had stated that it will continue to expand its investment in China. And China firmly promotes high-level opening-up, continuously optimizes the foreign investment environment, and provides service guarantees for foreign-funded enterprises," he said.

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