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Let the dream of Asia be heard all over the world

2014-04-02 15:17 Web Editor: qindexing

Since the beginning of 2014, reform has been in the ascendant in Asia and emerging economies. Many countries, including China, Japan, India and Indonesia have been working hard to promote their new reform agenda.

In China, especially after the 18th National Congress of the CPC, Secretary General Xi Jinping puts forward the concept of China Dream and a series of reform measures, which have drawn the attention of the world.

At the BFA Annual Conference 2013, Xi Jinping made his appearance as the new secretary general of CPC and gave a key-note speech, attracting unprecedented international attention to the BFA Annual Conference. Meanwhile, the attendance of many top industrial, commercial, and cultural leaders, including Bill Gates, Soros, and Master Hsing Yun, once again made BFA the focus of major world media.

One year later, how well the reform fares and where is the direction for new development? How can the China Dream be fulfilled and how can the Asia Dream set sail?

With interests in these issues, major media are now turning their attention to the BFA Annual Conference 2014 again. About 200 media from nearly 30 countries will cover the conference centering on the theme of "New Future of Asia: Seeking and Releasing New Power for Growth."

In addition, about 20 important media leaders from Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, Myanmar, Laos, India, Turkey, Russia, and Australia will make their debut at BFA, indicating more media partners for BFA and larger area for its influence. At the Annual Conference 2014, the voice of Asia will be not only louder, but richer, conveying to the world the dream of Asia.

Source: boaoforum.org

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