A medical clinic has been established on Yongshu Reef, equipped with emergency wards, a pharmacy and various other resources. (Photo/81.cn)
The Nansha islands and reefs have witnessed considerable progress with regard to their infrastructure and facilities, including medical services, airports, accommodation, entertainment and communication. These changes have all improved the quality of life of the soldiers that guard these islands.
A medical clinic has been established on Yongshu Reef, equipped with emergency wards, a pharmacy and various other resources. The hospital was opened in July, expanding solders' access to quality medical services. In addition, the latest generation of stilt houses constructed with steel and iron offers soldiers a stable living space. Unlike the first and second generations, the current construction features satellite communication, digital TV and air conditioning, acting as a perfect shelter against high salinity, temperatures and humidity.
In addition, modern barracks with air conditioning, TV and washing machines have also been constructed on the islands and reefs, with communication carriers launching 4G services. Soldiers now have their own training ground, as well as soccer and basketball courts.
A soldier on Chigua Reef commented that great changes have occurred with the introduction of such facilities, but the soldiers will never lose sight of their mandate to safeguard the territory.