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Academy’s VIP toilet is‘nothing special’

2013-07-26 11:10 Global Times Web Editor: Sun Tian

The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in Beijing has been trying to deflect attention from its so-called VIP bathroom that requires a pass-code to enter, Yunnan Information News reported Thursday.

Meng Yanhong, a deputy research fellow at the academy discovered the toilet on Tuesday, posting photos of the bathroom with the sign "VIP" on its door to his Sina Weibo, questioning the purpose of such a bathroom.

Zhang Dawei, an academy press officer, responded, saying that the 'ordinary toilet is nothing special' and is for public use, not just for leaders.

He was, however, unable to answer why the bathroom needed a pass-code, but said that it is frequently used these days by everyone as it is "just an ordinary bathroom, and nothing special."

Zhang added that reporters are welcome to come and see the toilet for themselves.

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