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Farmers see China's prospects in Xi Jinping's working style

2013-03-14 14:47 CNTV     Web Editor: yaolan comment

Since becoming the Party's General Secretary in November, Xi Jinping has visited many grass root places around the country. Today, we focus on a village just a three-hour drive from Beijing, where Xi went for a first-hand look at the hardships of poverty.

For farmers living in this remote mountainous area in northern China, they had never seen a glimmer of hope for a better life, until China's new leader Xi Jinping came here.

Surrounded by craggy mountains, Luotuowan has been plagued by poverty for generations. Most are living below the country's poverty line.

Life for Tang Rongbin is even harder. He suffers from heart disease.

Tang Rongbin says he will never forget the day that Xi Jinping came to his home. It was New Year's Eve.

Tang Rongbin, farmer in Luotuowan village, said, "Xi Jinping has left me with a very deep impression. There was always a smile on his face when he was talking with me, just like an old friend visiting my home. He was a very candid person, and didn't speak loudly. And he didn't look like a high-ranking official. "

Other villagers share similar feelings.

Tang Zuoxiu re-enacted how she took Xi Jinping to her home. At the time, she didn't realize who her guest was.

Tang Zuoxiu said, "I can't believe I was talking to the top leader! Xi Jinping could completely understand my Shanxi dialect, and I could understand what he was saying to me. "

Tang Zongxiu says Xi Jinping asked about every detail of her daily life, and gave her some much needed provisions.

My courtyard was full of snow when he was here. I warned Xi Jinping to be careful about the steps, and he replied that I should be careful, too."

Gu Runjin accompanied Xi Jinping during the inspection in Luotuowan. As the village Party Secretary, Gu Runjin sensed the significance of the unexpected visit.

Gu Runjin, party secretary of Luotuowan village, said, "I know Xi Jinping came here to see the real life of farmers in the rural areas. The first-hand inspection may help him in making national policies on poverty alleviation. "

Gu Runjin says another thing that impresses farmers here is that Xi Jinping insists on full implementation of policies to support agriculture and rural areas.

Gu believes the visit could generate a spring of vitality, to the impoverished village, and change the lives of the people in Luotuowan.

From his first visit to Southern China's Guangdong, the country's forefront of reform and opening up, to his recent visit in Northern China's Henan, the poverty stricken areas, Xi Jinping has expressed his deep feelings for the people on many occasions. The messages released from his inspections, like deepening reform, common prosperity and anti-corruption, have brought in new hopes for the ordinary Chinese for the prospect of this country, and for themselves.

Read more:

Special report: Exploring the 2013 NPC & CPPCC sessions


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